It's the sixth day of Christmas and, for the congregation I serve,the day we say farewell to a pillar of the church and the community who passed away just before Christmas.
Along with passages from Micah, Colossians and Philippians, we have chosen Longfellow's Psalm of Life for the memorial service. One of the readings I will offer in my homily is by Mary Oliver. Beautiful pieces, both, which help to describe a woman who embraced life with passionate, sparkling love and concern for all.
A big ol' collection of food is heading to the food pantry today. I am ready for a full weekend of training new officers and celebrating Epiphany. I am ready to hop on a train later this afternoon for a trip to see my in-laws.
I am looking forward to a brand new year. I continue to hold hope for our president-elect to be an agent of change and reconciliation. My prayer is that we, as a nation and that other nations, too, can listen well, and be renewed in our own capacities to respond to the needs of the world with expansive hearts.
Wishing you deep peace in this new year.