Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Inching Along

The best laid plans....

I did get a lot accomplished yesterday, and have a pile o' stuff to tackle today before heading downtown to beautiful Fourth Presbyterian for our stated presbytery meeting. It's a crazy, full docket, with some pretty heavy business, but we often have our December presbytery meeting at Fourth, and it's always delightful to worship there and to feel the bustle of the city all around as Advent Two moves on.

Fourth's location on Michigan Avenue is such a reminder of the presence of the church in the midst of a busy, distracted, hurried culture. I look forward to singing great hymns today and paying my respects to the sheep they display at this time of year, another nod to the glitz all around of a different way to observe this season.

I'm inching through Advent, despite the galloping pace of December, trying to be a good listener, a patient servant and a watchful messenger.

flicker photo


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Inching through Advent. I like that image.

Be careful traveling today, OK?

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

i too am inching through Advent... hope your mtg. and time in big city was fruitful

Rev SS said...

This picture makes me want to visit there again. Hope you had a good visit & meeting, and uneventful trip home.

Jan said...

What a lovely place!

And thanks for the image of "inching through Advent."