Thursday, December 9, 2010

#reverb10: party

Prompt: Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.

Most of the parties I attended this year have been quiet celebrations-- a friend's 65th birthday, another's cancer-free celebration. It pleases me to have a wide variety of friends, folks of various ages and stages in life. Our godsons turned six and three this year, and their birthday parties were great, giggling occasions. Our children turned sixteen and twenty-one this year, but neither had a raucous bash. From train cakes to great wine and cheese, it's been a nice year of celebrations in between the tough stuff.


Jules said...

I'm glad you have had some celebration this year.

Jan said...

I liked reading about your celebrations. I tend to like quieter ones, too. (surprise?)

Unknown said...

We will do 16 and 21 next year, as well as 25 and 50. Feels sort of momentous!