Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NaBloPoMo- Day 10- Be Careful What You Wish For

As it turned out, today was very different than I had hoped it would be. My beloved's test was short and sweet, and I thought it was the only hospital visit of the day. A phone call mid-afternoon brought news that my stepfather's pre-surgical blood test needed to be redone, so we dashed over and got that done. By 5:00 p.m., we learned that the re-test showed a dangerously low sodium level, so the surgery was cancelled and we were advised to head to the emergency room. It was a busy evening at the local ER, and it took three hours and forty five minutes to be seen by a doctor, who admitted my step-dad and I headed home, after he was sent up to the medical floor, for dinner and dog walking. The week is shaping up differently than it began. I got a good pot of soup underway before the day took its unexpected turn, and got a lot of knitting done in the emergency room. Sadly, the trip to the gym got shelved, but there is always tomorrow.

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