Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Anybody home?

FBC got home last night. She brought two darling friends and the laughter and easy fun began immediately.

SBC is one busy athlete, doing impressive things as a second year wrestler. I'm not crazy about watching wrestling, but it does provide some great knitting time when I can't bear to watch.

DH seems to have recovered from a bout with a flu of undisclosed variety.

Blogging seems to have taken a way back seat to work, Thanksgiving planning, tweeting and more. I'm working on a little thing for National Novel Writing Month, and am trying to exercise more. So many practices, so little time...

Happy Thanksgiving to you. I'm grateful for my blogging friends, even though I'm consistently inconsistent in my practice.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Noro Silk Garden and Worship Alive

I've found wonderful yarn to make a scarf to give as a gift this winter. It's a treat to work with and is creating a lovely stripe that's very pleasing.

I'm grateful to have this project to work on as I sit indoors on this blissfully beautiful fall afternoon. Our congregation co-sponsors a series of workshops on fostering creativity in worship. This afternoon, Mark Miller from Drew Theological School in New Jersey is our guest.

Should be a nice, productive afternoon.

Friday, November 6, 2009


SBC was part of a benefit concert last night for this group. It was a great evening of music for a great cause. I was so proud of his poise and commitment and my mama's heart was delighted to hear him sing and play songs I'd never heard him perform before.

Unfortunately, I feel too weary to blog.

I am so tired of energy-sapping stuff at work, in the world, in life.

I'm way out of kilter. As wonderful as last night's event was, it's not enough of an offset for all of the yuckiness and the pervasive feeling in my gut that keeps me stuck in sadness. Breaks from sadness are nice, but it's so hard to keep returning to a place that is furnished with loneliness and joylessness.

Time for something different, but I don't know what that might be.