Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm back from a wonderful long weekend away with my family, completely refreshed by the pleasure of their company, lovely weather and a relaxed pace.
Now, as we start a new school year, a new program year at the church, I am grateful for renewed energy. A friend at a women's luncheon read a Sarah Ben Breathnach quote about September resolutions and about how sensible they are. She writes elsewhere that "Gratitude is the heart's memory."

I have been mired in grief for so long. I know others who are, and healing takes a lot of time. I am, however, finding it so helpful to pray and I see all sorts of good things springing from prayer and keeping track of that for which I am grateful.

I am grateful for much. I have wonderful, healthy children who are thriving. I have a supportive and loving spouse who has meaningful work. I serve a wonderful community of faith and have remarkable colleagues. I am grateful to have the opportunity to befriend myself, and I am grateful to Jon Kabat-Zinn for that phrase.


Terri said...

I like Jon Kabat-Zinn...what a great quote and mantra for mindfulness....Gratitude is the heart's memory....love it.

Jan said...

"Gratitude is the heart's memory" is a beautiful thought. Now I'll have to investigate whether I need to buy another book--I always like the ones you recommend. I hadn't heard of Jon Kabat-Zinn before. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Love the idea of befriending yourself. Thanks for sharing this.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Yet another great book to put on my list. Have you checked out this site?