Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Five: Break Time!

Songbird lives where it's winter break time. So she asks, "Tell us how you would spend:

1. a 15 minute break
2. an afternoon off
3. an unexpected free day
4. a week's vacation
5. a sabbatical"

This is not hard.
1. A 15 minute break would include a book in hand and a mug of coffee or tea close by. Right now I'm reading Brueggeman's The World Militant. Or I might check my friends' blogs. Either way, the time would go quickly.

2. An afternoon off might find me fabric shopping (That's a real, live store!) or playing with fabric or walking.

3.An unexpected free day? I'd be here.
4. A week's vacation? Easy.
5. A sabbatical? Reading, writing, touring and investigating art in worship spaces, like this.

Coffee cup poster from here.


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Love the focus on the arts!

Terri said...

I too love the focus on the arts....and it made me homesick to see images of Argonne and the Art Institute....sweet!

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Oh, you're near the Art Institute--too cool. I saw the most amazing icon exhibit there when I was in grad school at Notre Dame.

Unknown said...

Interesting sabbatical idea!

Jan said...

You always have interesting ideas. I hope some of those ideas work out.

Let me know if I should read the Brueggemann book.

Barbara B. said...

I'd love to visit the Art Institute! (Especially if we could go together!)

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Let's get a group together for the Art Institute! I could drive down for the weekend. ;-)